Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tips for an Incoming UP Diliman Freshman

Who would've thought that it's been a FULL YEAR since I started my journey (lol, how dramatic) as a University of the Philippines freshman? :D

I recall being scared as hell going into college. All my (school-)life I've protected within the fences (haha) of MC; less than a kilometer away was the Unibersidad ng Pilipinas, where I was almost sure of getting mugged or raped. HAHA I swear, I even cried about this (Okay, too much info).

ANYWAY, you can imagine how scared I was. That led to hours of searching the internet for anything that could help me as I entered college. Tips for freshmen, the list of General Electives, the preenlistment procedure, the UP map (complete with jeepney routes).

SO, as my contribution to humanity (especially to Econ freshmen, WOOHOO) -- and because I was feeling reflect-y when I wrote this on my journal -- here are some "tips" (for a lack of a better word) for an incoming UP Diliman freshman:

*Note: These things aren't usually what you will read on forums or whatever. These are the stuff I have learned or observed in my first year in UP.

1) They will call you FRESHIES hahaha. Get used to it. Or don't, in my case. (Notice how I haven't used that word)

2) UP will not be everything you've hoped/expected/been scared of. Especially if those expectations/ideas came from someone born earlier than 1989 and who did not study in UP, lol.

3) Given that, you need to CHILL. Keep an open mind, but hold on to your values. (I cannot emphasize this enough :>)

4) You will find that the first couple of months in UP will be HELLA CHILL. Like you won't even be studying, and you'll find that you don't need to. Think again. Come hell week, you may not sleep and you will start regretting not having read your readings sooner. Yes, UP isn't all about acads (you can get into anything you want!!), but that's when you gotta keep your guard up. It teaches you a valuable lesson about keeping your priorities straight and your acads in check. Because you will be tempted to stray.

5) Going back to the Freshie thing... I suppose you've already posts that have "Don't look like a freshie" as their #1 tip. Stuff like "TBA is not The Bahay ng Alumni" or "Say AS instead of Palma Hall." DON'T WORRY. The upperclassmen won't bully you! At least not in Econ. Srsly, never walk alone? Bullshit. I guess, HAHA.

6) But anyway, just in case, it doesn't hurt to PREPARE. Do what I did -- download a map of UP (with jeepney routes) to your phone!

And because I am such an amazing person here's a copy (I already updated the Toki route ;) ):

7) Of course nothing says comfort than numbers... of friends, acquaintances. In my case, it helped A LOT that I would see an MC batch mate pretty much everywhere I went in UP (familiarity ftw <3). For those who aren't from a big school (and for those who are), I highly encourage you to make friends with your blockmates. I know you're shy, but believe me, they well may be the warmest people you will meet in UP. They may seem snobbish at first (can't help but judge), but anyone can be your friend in UP (of course, choose wisely when it comes to their values :>). Even that girl you're trying to avoid eye contact with.

8) I mentioned judging people. Another big thing I learned in UP: Don't judge. You may have gotten away with it in high school (and it might have also led to your popularity), but "judgers" are looked down upon here. You can be whoever you want to be here -- let out your true colors.

9) Lastly.. You will not get raped, you will not get mugged and jeeps are pretty safe. But you know, be careful still.

TEEHEE I'm done. :D I hope this was helpful. I can't wait to volunteer for Econ freshman orientations!!
Message me if you need anything. :) I'd rather on Tumblr though: buchinicole.tumblr.com (I don't really use this blog anymore) LOL

Edit in, May 30, 2013: I won't be using this blog anymore, so if you have any questions/want to get in touch with me, you can do so through my Tumblr. Peace out!